Research papers in peer reviewed journals (114)

1. Zabetakis I, Holden MA (1996) The effect of 6-deoxy-D-fructose on flavour bioformation from strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa cv. Elsanta) callus cultures. Plant Cell Tiss. Org. Cult. 45 25-29.

I.F. 2.2 (2019); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.858 (Rank 7th  out of 80; Q1 Horticulture); Citations 28 (Scopus) 36 (Google Scholar)


  1. Zabetakis I, Holden MA (1997) Strawberry flavour: analysis and biosynthesis. J. Sci. Food Agric. 74 421-434.

I.F. 2.422 (2019); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.824 (Rank 61st out of 301; Q1 Food Science); Citations 172 (Scopus) 263 (Google Scholar);2-6


  1. Zabetakis I (1997) Enhancement of flavour biosynthesis from strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) callus cultures by Methylobacterium species. Plant Cell Tiss. Org. Cult. 50 179-183.

I.F. 2.2 (2019); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.858 (Rank 7th out of 80; Q1 Horticulture); Citations 44 (Scopus) 64 (Google Scholar)


  1. Zabetakis I, Gramshaw JW (1998) 1,2-Propanediol in strawberries and its role as a flavour precursor. Food Chem. 61 351-354.

I.F. 5.399 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.768 (Rank 8th  out of 301; Q1 Food Science); Citations 16 (Scopus) 20 (Google Scholar)


  1. Zabetakis I, Edwards R, Hamilton JTG, O’Hagan D (1998) The biosynthetic relationship between littorine and hyoscyamine in transformed roots of Datura stramonium. Plant Cell Rep. 18 341-345.

I.F. 3.499 (2019); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.352 (Rank 45th out of 453; Q1 Plant Science); Citations 12 (Scopus) 16 (Google Scholar)


  1. Zabetakis I, Moutevelis-Minakakis P, Gramshaw JW (1999) The role of 2-hydroxypropanal in the biosynthesis of 2,5-dimethyl-4-hydroxy-2H-furan-3-one in strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa cv. Elsanta) callus cultures. Food Chem. 64 311-314.

I.F. 5.399 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.768 (Rank 8th out of 301; Q1 Food Science); Citations 13 (Scopus) 20 (Google Scholar)


  1. Zabetakis I, Gramshaw JW, Robinson DS (1999) 2,5-Dimethyl-4-hydroxy-2H-furan-3-one and its derivatives: analysis, synthesis and biosynthesis – a review. Food Chem. 65 139-151.

I.F. 5.399 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.768 (Rank 8th out of 301; Q1 Food Science); Citations 58 (Scopus) 72 (Google Scholar)



  1. Zabetakis I, Edwards R, O’Hagan D (1999) Elicitation of tropane alkaloid biosynthesis in transformed root cultures of Datura stramonium. Phytochem. 50 53-56.

I.F. 2.905 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.926 (Rank 84th out of 453; Q1 Plant Science); Citations 77 (Scopus) 102 (Google Scholar)



  1. O’Hagan D, Robins RJ, Wilson M, Wong CW, Berry M, Zabetakis I (1999) Fluorinated tropane alkaloids generated by directed biosynthesis in transformed root cultures of Datura Stramonium. J. Chem. Soc., Perkin Trans. 1 1999 2117-2120.

I.F. 3.490 (2019); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.119 (Rank 30th  out of 177; Q1 Organic Chemistry); Citations 12 (Scopus) 17 (Google Scholar)


  1. Zabetakis I, Koulentianos A, Orruño E, Boyes I (2000) The effect of high hydrostatic pressure on strawberry flavour compounds. Food Chem. 71 51-55.

I.F. 5.399 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.768 (Rank 8th out of 301; Q1 Food Science); Citations 51 (Scopus) 85 (Google Scholar)


  1. Zabetakis I, Leclerc D, Kajda P (2000) The effect of high hydrostatic pressure on the strawberry anthocyanins. J. Agric. Food Chem. 48 2749-2754.

I.F. 3.571 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.111 (Rank 276th out of 2200; Q1 Agricultural and Biological Sciences); Citations 110 (Scopus) 132 (Google Scholar)


  1. Panayiotou A, Samartzis D, Nomikos T, Fragopoulou E, Karantonis HC, Demopoulos CA, Zabetakis I (2000) Lipid fractions with aggregatory and anti-aggregatory activity towards platelets in fresh and fried cod (Gadus morhua): correlation with Platelet-Activating Factor (PAF) and atherogenesis. J. Agric. Food Chem 48 6372-6379.

I.F. 3.571 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.111 (Rank 276th out of 2200; Q1 Agricultural and Biological Sciences); Citations 30 (Scopus) 40 (Google Scholar)



  1. Dervisi P, Lamb J, Zabetakis I (2001) High pressure processing in jam manufacture: effects on textural and colour properties. Food Chem. 73 85-91.

I.F. 5.399 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.768 (Rank 8th out of 301; Q1 Food Science); Citations 56 (Scopus) 82 (Google Scholar)


  1. Orruño E, Owusu Apenten R, Zabetakis I (2001) The role of β-glucosidase in the biosynthesis of 2,5-dimethyl-4-hydroxy-3(2H)-furanone in strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa, cv. Elsanta). Flavour Frag. J. 16 81-84.

I.F. 1.377 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.549 (Rank 102nd out of 301; Q2 Food Science); Citations 30 (Scopus) 42 (Google Scholar);2-H


  1. Gimenez J, Kajda P, Margomenou L, Piggott JR, Zabetakis I (2001) A study on the color and sensory attributes of high hydrostatic pressure jams as opposed to traditional ones. J. Sci. Food Agric.81 1228-1234.

I.F. 2.422 (2019); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.824 (Rank 61st out of 301; Q1 Food Science); Citations 61 (Scopus) 81 (Google Scholar)


  1. Lambadarios E, Zabetakis I (2002) Does high hydrostatic pressure affect fruit esters? LWT Food Sci. Technol. 35 362-366.

I.F. 3.714 (2019); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.400 (Rank 20th out of 301; Q1 Food Science); Citations 11 (Scopus) 25 (Google Scholar)


  1. Bood KG, Zabetakis I (2002) The biosynthesis of strawberry flavour (II): biosynthetic and molecular biology studies. J. Food Sci. 67 2-8.

I.F. 2.081 (2019); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.783 (Rank 67th out of 301; Q1 Food Science); Citations 62 (Scopus) 93 (Google Scholar)


  1. Fragopoulou E, Nomikos T, Tsantila N, Mitropoulou A, Zabetakis I, Demopoulos CA (2002) Biological activity of total lipids from red and white wine/must. J. Agric. Food Chem. 49 5186-5193.

I.F. 3.571 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.111 (Rank 276th  out of 2200; Q1 Agricultural and Biological Sciences); Citations 22 (Scopus) 28 (Google Scholar)


  1. Mura E, Zabetakis I (2002) The effect of exogenous pectinase on DMHF and derivatives in clarified strawberry juice (Fragaria x ananassa, cv. Elsanta). Flavour Frag. J. 17 375-379.

I.F. 1.377 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.549 (Rank 102nd out of 301; Q2 Food Science); Citations 3 (Scopus) 3 (Google Scholar)


  1. Karantonis HC, Zabetakis I, Nomikos T, Demopoulos CA (2003) Antiatherogenic properties of lipid minor constituents from seed oils. J. Sci. Food Agric. 83 1192-1204.

I.F. 2.422 (2019); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.824 (Rank 61st out of 301; Q1 Food Science); Citations 9 (Scopus) 14 (Google Scholar)


  1. Kouniaki S, Kajda P, Zabetakis I (2004) The effect of high hydrostatic pressure on anthocyanins and ascorbic acid in blackcurrants (Ribes nigrum). Flavour Frag. J. 19 281-286.

I.F. 1.377 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.549 (Rank 102nd  out of 301; Q2 Food Science); Citations 50 (Scopus) 61 (Google Scholar)


  1. Garcia-Palazon A, Suthanthangjai W, Kajda P, Zabetakis I (2004) The effect of high hydrostatic pressure on β—glucosidase, peroxidase and polyphenoloxidase in red raspberry (Rubus idaeus) and strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa). Food Chem. 88 7-10.

I.F. 5.399 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.768 (Rank 8th out of 301; Q1 Food Science); Citations 163 (Scopus) 226 (Google Scholar)


23.   Suthanthangjai W, Kajda P, Zabetakis I (2005) The effect of high hydrostatic pressure on the anthocyanins of raspberry (Rubus idaeus). Food Chem. 90 193-197.

I.F. 5.399 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.768 (Rank 8th out of 301; Q1 Food Science); Citations 83 (Scopus) 118 (Google Scholar)


  1. Hadjimitsi E, Zabetakis I (2005) The aroma of the jam prepared from fruits of Mosphilla (Crataegus azarolus L.) Flavour Frag. J. 20 507-511.

I.F. 1.377 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.549 (Rank 102nd out of 301; Q2 Food Science); Citations 5 (Scopus) 5 (Google Scholar)


  1. Nomikos T, Karantonis HC, Skarvelis C, Demopoulos CA, Zabetakis I (2006) Antiatherogenic properties of lipid fraction of raw and fried fish. Food Chem. 96 29-35.

I.F. 5.399 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.768 (Rank 8t h out of 301; Q1 Food Science); Citations 35 (Scopus) 39 (Google Scholar)


  1. Koutsompogeras P, Kyriacou A, Zabetakis I (2006) Characterizing NAD-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase enzymes of Methylobacterium extorquens and strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa, cv. Elsanta). J. Agric. Food Chem. 54  235-242.

I.F. 3.571 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.111 (Rank 276th out of 2200; Q1 Agricultural and Biological Sciences); Citations 8 (Scopus) 10 (Google Scholar)


  1. Kourouvani E, Gdontelis N, Zabetakis I (2006) Safety evaluation of the food served in Tourist Accommodation Enterprises by detection of pathogens and hygienic indices. Ital. J. Food Sci.18 447-452.

I.F. 0.736 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.361 (Rank 152nd out of 301; Q3 Food Science); Citations 0 (Scopus) 0 (Google Scholar)


  1. Nasopoulou C, Nomikos T, Demopoulos CA, Zabetakis I (2007) Comparison of antiatherogenic properties of lipids obtained from wild and cultured sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata). Food Chem. 100 560-567.

I.F. 5.399 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.768 (Rank 8th out of 301; Q1 Food Science); Citations 36 (Scopus) 49 (Google Scholar)


  1. Koutsompogeras P, Kyriacou A, Zabetakis I (2007) The formation of 2,5-dimethyl-4-hydroxy-2 H-furan-3-one by cell free extracts of Methylobacterium extorquens and strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa, cv. Elsanta). Food Chem. 104 1654-1661.

I.F. 5.399 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.768 (Rank 8th out of 301; Q1 Food Science); Citations 9 (Scopus) 20 (Google Scholar)


  1. Nasopoulou C, Karantonis HC, Andriotis M, Demopoulos CA, Zabetakis I (2008) Antibacterial and anti-PAF activity of lipid extracts from sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) and gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata). Food Chem. 111 433-438.

I.F. 5.399 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.768 (Rank 8th out of 301; Q1 Food Science); Citations 12 (Scopus) 14 (Google Scholar)


  1. Nasopoulou C, Karantonis HC, Perrea DN, Theocharis SE, Iliopoulos DG, Demopoulos CA, Zabetakis I (2010) In vivo anti-atherogenic properties of cultured gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) polar lipid extracts in hypercholesterolaemic rabbits. Food Chem. 120831-836.

I.F. 5.399 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.768 (Rank 8th out of 301; Q1 Food Science); Citations 22 (Scopus) 31 (Google Scholar)


  1. Koutsompogeras P, Kyriacou A, Zabetakis I (2010) Characterization of NAD-dependent alcohol dehydrogenase enzymes of strawberry’s achenes (Fragaria x ananassa cv. Elsanta) and comparison with respective enzymes from Methylobacterium extorquens. LWT Food Sci. Technol. 43 828-835.

I.F. 3.714 (2019); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.400 (Rank 20th out of 301;Q1 Food Science); Citations 3 (Scopus) 5 (Google Scholar)


33.   Tsachaki M, Arnaoutopoulou A, Margomenou L, Roubedakis SC, Zabetakis I (2010) Development of a suitable lexicon for sensory studies of the anise-flavoured spirits ouzo and tsipouro. Flavour Frag. J. 25 468-474.

I.F. 1.377 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.549 (Rank 102nd out of 301; Q2 Food Science); Citations 3 (Scopus) 7 (Google Scholar)


34.   Nasopoulou C, Karantonis HC, Zabetakis I (2011) Nutritional Value of Sea Bream and Sea Bass (Invited Mini-Review) Dyn. Biochem. Process Biotech. Mol. Biol. 5 32-40.

This journal has ceased publication and our paper has been published as an open access book.


  1. Nasopoulou C, Stamatakis G, Demopoulos CA, Zabetakis I (2011) Effects of olive pomace and olive pomace oil on growth performance, fatty acid composition and cardio protective properties of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) and sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax). Food Chem.129 1108-1113.

I.F. 5.399 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.768 (Rank 8th out of 301; Q1 Food Science); Citations 39 (Scopus) 54 (Google Scholar)


  1. Flemotomou E, Molyviatis T, Zabetakis I (2011) The effect of trace elements accumulation on the levels of secondary metabolites and antioxidant activity in carrots, onions and potatoes. Food Nutr. Sci.2 1071-1076.

I.F. 1.41 (Google based, 2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): n/a; Citations 0 (Scopus) 10 (Google Scholar)


  1. Nasopoulou C, Tsoupras AB, Karantonis HC, Demopoulos CA, Zabetakis I (2011) Fish polar lipids retard atherosclerosis in rabbits by down-regulating PAF biosynthesis and up-regulating PAF catabolism. Lipids Health Dis.10 213.

I.F. 2.651 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.954 (Rank 17th out of 62; Q2 Biochemistry (medical); Citations 22 (Scopus) 28 (Google Scholar)

  1. Nasopoulou C, Zabetakis I (2012) Benefits of fish oil replacement by plant originated oils in compounded fish feeds. A review. LWT Food Sci. Technol. 47 217-224.

I.F. 3.714 (2019); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.400 (Rank 20th out of 301;Q1 Food Science); Citations 78 (Scopus) 111 (Google Scholar)


  1. Kirkillis CG, Pasias IN, Miniadis-Meimaroglou S, Thomaidis TS, Zabetakis I (2012) Concentration levels of trace elements in carrots, onions and potatoes cultivated in Asopos region, Central Greece. Anal.Lett. 45 551-562.

I.F. 1.248 (2019); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.330 (Rank 78th out of 117; Q3 Analytical Chemistry); Citations 18 (Scopus) 27 (Google Scholar)


  1. Nasopoulou C, Poulios P, Magli M, Gdontelis N, Papanotas K, Zabetakis I (2012) Verification of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point in hotels and catering units: evaluation of the cleaning and disinfection procedures and microbiological monitoring of hot and cold meals. Food Nutr. Sci. 3 606-613.

I.F. 1.41 (Google based, 2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): n/a; Citations 0 (Scopus) 0 (Google Scholar)


  1. Nasopoulou C, Demopoulos CA, Zabetakis I (2012) Effect of freezing on quality of sea bass and gilthead sea bream. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 114 733-740.

I.F. 1.852 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.657 (Rank 77th out of 301; Q2 Food Science); Citations 4 (Scopus) 5 (Google Scholar)


  1. Nasopoulou C, Gogaki V, Panagopoulou E, Demopoulos CA, Zabetakis I (2013) Hen egg yolk lipid fractions with antiatherogenic properties. Anim. Sci. J. 84 264-271.

I.F. 1.301 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.610 (Rank 63rd out of 272; Q1 Agricultural and Biological Sciences); Citations 8 (Scopus) 15 (Google Scholar)


  1. Stasinos S, Zabetakis I (2013) The uptake of nickel and chromium from irrigation water by potatoes, carrots and onions. Ecotox. Environ. Safe. 91 122-128.

I.F. 4.527 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.174 (Rank 20th out of 127; Q1 Health, Toxicology and Mutagenesis); Citations 37 (Scopus) 55 (Google Scholar)


44.   Nasopoulou C, Zabetakis I (2013) Agricultural and aquacultural potential of olive pomace. A review. J. Agric Sci. 5 116-127.

I.F. 2.28 (Google based, 2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): n/a; Citations 0 (Scopus) 29 (Google Scholar)

45.   Zabetakis I (2013) Food security and cardioprotection: the polar lipid link. J. Food Sci.78         R1101-R1104.

I.F. 2.081 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.783 (Rank 67th out of 301; Q1 Food Science); Citations 14 (Scopus) 14 (Google Scholar)


  1. Nasopoulou C, Psani E, Sioriki E, Demopoulos CA, Zabetakis I (2013) Evaluation of Sensory and In Vitro Cardio Protective Properties of Sardine (Sardina pilchardus): The Effect of Grilling and Brining. Food Nutr. Sci.4 940-949.

I.F. 1.41 (Google based, 2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): n/a; Citations 0 (Scopus) 9 (Google Scholar)


  1. Nasopoulou C, Gogaki V, Stamatakis G, Papaharisis L, Demopoulos CA, Zabetakis I (2013) Evaluation of the in vitro anti-atherogenic properties of lipid fractions of olive pomace, olive pomace enriched fish feed and gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) fed with olive pomace enriched fish feed. Marine Drugs 11 3676-3688.

I.F. 3.772 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.855 (Rank 43rd out of 167; Q2 Drug Discovery); Citations 12 (Scopus) 16 (Google Scholar)


  1. Nasopoulou C, Smith T, Detopoulou M, Tsikrika C, Papaharisis L, Barkas D, Zabetakis I (2014) Structural elucidation of olive pomace fed sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) polar lipids with cardioprotective activities. Food Chem. 145 1097-1105.

I.F. 5.399 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.768 (Rank 8th out of 301; Q1 Food Science); Citations 20 (Scopus) 28 (Google Scholar)


  1. Nasopoulou C, Pohjanen J, Koshimaki JJ, Zabetakis I, Pirttila AM (2014) Localization of strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) and Methylobacterium extorquens genes of strawberry flavor biosynthesis in strawberry tissue by in situ hybridization. J. Plant Physiol. 171 1099-1105.

I.F. 2.825 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.096 (Rank 66th  out of 453; Q1 Plant Science); Citations 5 (Scopus) 10 (Google Scholar)


  1. Nasopoulou C, Karantonis HC, Detopoulou M, Demopoulos CA, Zabetakis I (2014) Exploiting the anti-inflammatory properties of olive (Olea europaea) in the sustainable production of functional food and neutraceuticals. Phytochem. Rev. 13 445-458.

I.F. 4.257 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.064 (Rank 71st out of 453; Q1 Plant Science); Citations 10 (Scopus) 13 (Google Scholar)


  1. Stasinos S, Nasopoulou C, Tsikrika C, Zabetakis I (2014) The Bioaccumulation and Physiological Effects of Heavy Metals in Carrots, Onions, and Potatoes and Dietary Implications for Cr and Ni: A Review. J. Food Sci. 79 R765-R780.

I.F. 2.081 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.783 (Rank 67th out of 301; Q1 Food Science); Citations 21 (Scopus) 27 (Google Scholar)


  1. Tsorotioti SE, Nasopoulou C, Detopoulou M, Sioriki E, Demopoulos CA, Zabetakis I (2014) In vitro anti-atherogenic properties of traditional Greek cheese lipid fractions. Dairy Sci. Technol. 94 269-281.

I.F. 1.435 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.844 (Rank 56th out of 301; Q1 Food Science); Citations 15 (Scopus) 18 (Google Scholar)


  1. Stasinos S, Kostakis M, Thomaidis N, Zabetakis I (2014) Irrigating onions and potatoes with

chromium and nickel: its effects on catalase and peroxidase activities and the cross-contamination of

plants. Water Air Soil Pollut. 225 2142.

I.F. 1.774 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.552 (Rank 46th out of 184; Q2 Environmental Engineering); Citations 3 (Scopus) 3 (Google Scholar)


  1. Zabetakis I (2015) The urgent need to rethink outside the “omega-3 Pufas” box. J Aquac Res

        Development 6 332.

I.F. 1.27 (Google based, 2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.363 (not ranked yet); Citations 0 (Scopus) 0 (Google Scholar)



  1. Sioriki E, Nasopoulou C, Demopoulos CA, Zabetakis I (2015) Comparison of sensory and cardioprotective properties of olive pomace enriched and conventional gilthead sea bream. J. Aquat. Food Prod. T. 24 782-795.

I.F. 0.707 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.302 (Rank 152th out of 218; Q3 Aquatic Science); Citations 6 (Scopus) 9 (Google Scholar)



  1. Morphis G, Kyriazopoulou A, Nasopoulou C, Sioriki E, Demopoulos CA, Zabetakis I (2016) Assessment of the in vitro antithrombotic properties of sardine (Sardina pilchardus) fillet lipids and cod liver oil. Fishes 1 1-15.

I.F. n/a (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): n/a; Citations 1 (Scopus) 2 (Google Scholar)


  1. Poutzalis S, Anastasiadou A, Nasopoulou C, Megalemou K, Sioriki E, Zabetakis I (2016) Evaluation of the in vitro anti-atherogenic activities of goat milk and goat dairy products. Dairy Sci. Technol. 96 317-327.

I.F. 1.435 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.844 (Rank 56th out of 301; Q1 Food Science); Citations 13 (Scopus) 17 (Google Scholar)


58.  Andrianos V, Stoikou V, Tsikrika K, Lamprou D, Stasinos S, Proestos C, Zabetakis I (2016)

Carotenoids and Antioxidant Enzymes as Biomarkers of the Impact of Heavy Metals in food Chain. Curr Res Nutr Food Sci 4 15-24.

I.F. n/a (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.230 (Rank 207th out of 301; Q3 Food Science); Citations 2 (Scopus) 0 (Google Scholar)


  1. Sioriki E, Smith TK, Demopoulos CA, Zabetakis I (2016) Structure and cardioprotective activities

of polar lipids of olive pomace, olive pomace-enriched fish feed and olive pomace fed gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata). Food Res Int 83 143-151.

I.F. 3.579 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.328 (Rank 24th out of 301; Q1 Food Science); Citations 14 (Scopus) 17 (Google Scholar)


  1. Megson IL, Whitfield PD, Zabetakis I (2016) Lipids and cardiovascular disease: where does

dietary intervention sit alongside statin therapy? Food Funct 7 2603-2614.

I.F. 3.241 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.996 (Rank 40th out of 301; Q1 Food Science); Citations 13 (Scopus) 16 (Google Scholar)


  1. Megalemou K, Sioriki E, Lordan R, Dermiki M, Nasopoulou C, Zabetakis I (2017) Evaluation of sensory

and in vitro anti-thrombotic properties of traditional Greek yogurts derived from different types of milk.

Heliyon  3 e00227.

I.F. n/a (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.426 (Rank 22nd out of 120; Q1 Multidisciplinary); Citations 17 (Scopus) 21 (Google Scholar)


  1. Lordan R, Zabetakis I (2017) Invited Review: The anti-inflammatory properties of dairy lipids. J Dairy

        Sci 100 4197-4212.

I.F. 3.082 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.340 (Rank 23rd out of 301; Q1 Food Science); Citations 36 (Scopus) 43 (Google Scholar)


  1. Benguendouz A, Bouderoua K, Belabes M, Bekada A, Sioriki E, Zabetakis I (2017) Fatty acid profile and

assessment of  heavy metals content of Sardina pilchardus captured in Algerian coast. Iran J Fish Sci 16 1021-1029.

I.F. 0.495 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.340 (Rank 143rd out of 218; Q3 Aquatic Science); Citations 0 (Scopus) 2 (Google Scholar)



  1. Lordan R, Zabetakis I (2017) Ovine and caprine lipids promoting cardiovascular health in milk and its

Derivatives. Adv Dairy Res 5:176.

I.F. n/a (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): n/a; Citations 0 (Scopus) 7 (Google Scholar)



  1. Stoikou V, Andrianos V, Stasinos S, Kostakis MG, Attitti S, Thomaidis NS, Zabetakis I (2017) Metal

Uptake by Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) irrigated with water polluted with chromium and nickel. Foods  

        6 51.

I.F. 3.011 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): n/a; Citations 0 (Scopus) 6 (Google Scholar)


  1. Lordan R, Tsoupras A, Zabetakis I (2017) Phospholipids of Animal and Marine Origin: Structure,

Function, and Anti-Inflammatory Properties. Molecules 22 1964.

I.F. 3.060 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.757 (Rank 100th out of 437; Q1 Chemistry (miscellaneous); Citations 30 (Scopus) 38 (Google Scholar)


  1. Nasopoulou C, Lytoudi K, Zabetakis I (2018) Evaluation of olive pomace in the production of

novel broilers with enhanced in vitro antithrombotic properties. Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 2018, 1700290.

I.F. 1.852 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.657 (Rank 75th out of 524; Q1 Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering); Citations 0 (Scopus) 0 (Google Scholar)


  1. Lordan R, Tsoupras A, Mitra B, Zabetakis I (2018) Dairy fats and cardiovascular disease: do we really

need to be concerned? Foods 7 29.

I.F. 3.011 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): n/a; Citations 39 (Scopus) 54 (Google Scholar)


  1. Tsoupras A, Lordan R, Zabetakis I (2018) Inflammation, not Cholesterol, Is a Cause of Chronic Disease.

Nutrients 10 604.

I.F. 4.171 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.493 (Rank 15th out of 301; Q1 Food Science); Citations 43 (Scopus) 63 (Google Scholar)


  1. Tsoupras A, Lordan R, Demuru M, Shiels K, Saha SK, Nasopoulou C, Zabetakis I (2018) Structural

elucidation of Irish organic farmed salmon (Salmo salar) polar lipids with antithrombotic activities.

Mar Drugs 16 176.

I.F. 3.772 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.855 (Rank 43rd out of 167; Q2 Drug Discovery); Citations 9 (Scopus) 11 (Google Scholar)


  1. Poutzalis S, Lordan R, Nasopoulou C, Zabetakis I (2018) Phospholipids of goat and sheep origin:

Structural and functional studies. Small Ruminant Res 167 39-47.

I.F. 1.210 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.564 (Rank 12th out of 167; Q2 Food Animals); Citations 7 (Scopus) 9 (Google Scholar)


  1. Sioriki E, Lordan R, Nahra F, van Hecke K, Zabetakis I, Nolan SP (2018) In vitro Anti‐atherogenic

Properties of N‐Heterocyclic Carbene Aurate(I) Compounds. Chem Med Chem 13 2484-2487.

I.F. 3.016 (2018) ; SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.880 (Rank 13th out of 110; Q1 Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics, miscellaneous); Citations 4 (Scopus) 4 (Google Scholar)


  1. Tsoupras A, Lordan R, Zabetakis I (2019) Platelet aggregometry assay for evaluating the effects of platelet

agonists and antiplatelet compounds on platelet function in vitro. MethodsX 6 63-70.

I.F. n/a (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.478 (Rank 14th out of 33; Q2 Medical Laboratory Technology); Citations 6 (Scopus) 7 (Google Scholar)


  1. Tsoupras A, Lordan R, Shiels K, Saha SK, Nasopoulou C, Zabetakis I (2019) In vitro antithrombotic

properties of salmon (Salmo Salar) phospholipids in a novel food-grade extract. Mar Drugs 17 62.

I.F. 3.772 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.855 (Rank 43rd out of 167; Q2 Drug Discovery); Citations 5 (Scopus) 6 (Google Scholar)


  1. Tierney A, Zabetakis I (2019) Changing the Irish dietary guidelines to incorporate the principles of the

Mediterranean diet: proposing the MedEire diet. Public Health Nutr 22 375-381.

I.F. 2.526 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.186 (Rank 89th out of 530; Q1 Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health); Citations 1 (Scopus) 3 (Google Scholar)


  1. Lordan R, O’Keefe E, Dowling D, Mullally M, Heffernan H, Tsoupras A, Zabetakis I (2019) The in vitro

         antithrombotic properties of ale, lager and stout beers. Food Biosci 28 83-88.

I.F. 3.220 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.044 (Rank 37th out of 301; Q1 Food Science); Citations 2 (Scopus) 3 (Google Scholar)


  1. Lordan R, Walsh AM, Crispie F, Finnegan L, Cotter PD, Zabetakis I (2019) The effect of ovine milk

fermentation on the antithrombotic properties of polar lipids.  J. Funct Foods 54 289-300.

I.F. 3.197 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 1.107 (Rank 32nd out of 301; Q1 Food Science); Citations 3 (Scopus) 3 (Google Scholar)


  1. Lordan R, Tsoupras A, Zabetakis I (2019) The potential role of dietary Platelet-Activating Factor

inhibitors in cancer prevention and treatment. Adv Nutr 10 148-164.

I.F. 7.24 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 2.678 (Rank 2nd out of 301; Q1 Food Science); Citations 4 (Scopus) 6 (Google Scholar)


  1. Lordan R, O’Keefe E, Tsoupras A, Zabetakis I (2019) Total, neutral, and polar lipids of brewing

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I.F. 3.011 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): n/a; Citations 2 (Scopus) 2 (Google Scholar)


  1. Lordan R, Walsh A, Crispie F, Finnegan L, Demuru M, Tsoupras A, Cotter PD, Zabetakis I (2019)

Caprine milk fermentation enhances the antithrombotic properties of cheese polar lipids. J. Funct Foods      

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  1. Tsoupras A, O’Keeffe E, Lordan R, Redfern S, Zabetakis I (2019) Bioprospecting for antithrombotic polar

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  1. Lordan R, Tsoupras A, Zabetakis I, Demopoulos CA (2019) Forty years since the structural elucidation of

Platelet-Activating Factor (PAF): historical, current and future research perspectives. Molecules 24 4414.

I.F. 3.060 (2018); SCImago Journal Rank (SJR): 0.757 (Rank 40th out of 213; Q1 Pharmaceutical Science); Citations 0 (Scopus) 0 (Google Scholar)


  1. Tsoupras A, Lordan R, Harrington J, Pienaar R, Devaney K, Heaney S, Koidis A, Zabetakis I (2020) The

Effects of Oxidation on the Antithrombotic Properties of Tea Lipids Against PAF, Thrombin, Collagen, and

ADP. Foods 9 385.


  1. Lordan R, Redfern S, Tsoupras A, Zabetakis I (2020) Inflammation and cardiovascular disease: are marine

phospholipids the answer? Food & Function 11 2861-2885.


  1. Lordan R, Vidal N, Huong Pham T, Tsoupras A, Thomas RH, Zabetakis I (2020) Yoghurt fermentation

alters the composition and antiplatelet properties of milk polar lipids. Food Chem 332 127384.


  1. Tsoupras A, Lordan R, O’Keefe E, Shiels K, Saha SK, Zabetakis I (2020) Structural elucidation of

Irish ale bioactive polar lipids with antithrombotic properties. Biomolecules 10 1075.


  1. Tsoupras A, Lordan R, Zabetakis I (2020) Thrombosis and COVID-19: the potential role of nutrition.

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  1. Zabetakis I, Lordan R, Norton C, Tsoupras A (2020) COVID-19: the inflammation link and the role of

nutrition in potential mitigation. Nutrients 12 1466.


  1. Tsoupras A, Zabetakis I (2020) Comment on “optimal nutritional status for a well-functioning immune

system is an important factor to protect against viral inections”. Nutrients 12 2321.


  1. Lordan R, Tsoupras A, Zabetakis I (2021) Platelet activation and prothrombotic mediators at the nexus of

inflammation and atherosclerosis : Potential role of antiplatelet agents. Blood Reviews 45 100694.


  1. Shiels K, Tsoupras A, Lordan R, Nasopoulou C, Zabetakis I, Murray P, Saha SK (2021) Bioactive Lipids

of Marine Microalga Chlorococcum sp. SABC 012504 with Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Thrombotic

Activities. Mar Drugs 19 28.


  1. Redfern S, Dermiki M, Fox S, Lordan R, Shiels K, Saha SK, Tsoupras A, Zabetakis I (2021) The

effects of cooking salmon sous-vide on its antithrombotic properties, lipid profile and sensory

characteristics. Food Res. Int. 139 109976.


  1. Tsoupras A, Moran D, Pleskach H, Durkin M, Traas C, Zabetakis I (2021) Beneficial anti-platelet and

anti-inflammatory properties of Irish apple juice and cider bioactives. Foods 10 412.


  1. Kalampalidis A, Peppas A, Schnakenburg G, Papakyriakou A, Tsoupras A, Zabetakis I, Philippopoulos A

(2021) Antithromobic and antiplatelet activity of an organomettalic rhodium(I) complex incorporating a

substituted thieno-[2,3-d]-pyrimidine ligand: Synthesis, structural characterization and molecular docking

calculations. Appl. Organomet. Chem. 35 e6210.


  1. Lordan R, Zabetakis I, Tsoupras A (2021) Inflammation and chronic diseases: the polar lipid link.

Proceedings 70 70.


  1. Tsoupras A, Moran D, Byrne T, Ryan J, Barrett L, Traas C, Zabetakis I (2021) Anti-inflammatory and

anti-platelet properties of lipid bioactives from apple cider by-products. Molecules 26 2869.


  1. Moran A, Fleming M, Daly E, Gaughan N, Zabetakis I, Traas C, Tsoupras A (2021) Anti-platelet

Properties of apple must/skin yeasts and of their fermented apple cider products. Beverages 7(3) 54.


  1. Conde TA, Zabetakis I, Tsoupras A, Medina I, Costa M, Silva J, Neves B, Domingues P, Domingues MR

(2021) Microalgal lipid extracts have potential to modulate the inflammatory response: a critical review.

IJMS 22(18) 9825.


  1. Zabetakis I, Matthys C, Tsoupras A (2021) Editorial: coronavirus diseases (COVID-19): diet,

Inflammation and nutritional status. Front. Nutr. 8:760720.

  1. Ling V, Zabetakis I (2021) The role of an anti-inflammatory diet in conjunction to Covid-19. Diseases

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  1. Tsoupras A, Brummell C, Kealy C, Vitkaitis K, Redfern S, Zabetakis I (2022) Cardio-protective properties

and health benefits of fish lipid bioactives; the effects of thermal processing. Mar Drugs 20(3) 187.


  1. Granato D, Carocho M, Barros L, Zabetakis I, Mocan A, Tsoupras A, Gomes Cruz A, Colombo Pimentel T

(2022) Implementation of sustainable development goals in the dairy sector: perspectives on the use of

agro-industrial side-streams to design functional foods. Trends Food Sci Technol 124 128-139.


  1. Shiels K, Tsoupras A, Lordan R, Zabetakis I, Murray P, Saha SK (2022) Anti-inflammatory and

antithrombotic properties of polar lipid extracts, rich in unsaturated fatty acids, from the Irish marine

cyanobacterium Spirulina subsala. J. Funct Foods  94 105124.


  1. Glenn-Davi K, Hurley A, Brennan E, Coughlan J, Shiels K, Moran D, Saha SK, Zabetakis I, Tsoupras A

(2022) Fermentation enhances the anti-inflammatory and anti-platelet properties of both bovine dairy and

plant-derived dairy alternatives. Fermentation 8 292.


  1. Lordan R, Zabetakis I (2022) Cadmium: a focus on the brown crab (Cancer pagurus) industry and potential

human health risks. Toxics 10(10) 591.


  1. Harishkumar R, Hans S, Stanton JE, Grabrucker AM, Lordan R, Zabetakis I (2022) Targeting the Platelet-Activating Factor Receptor (PAF-R): antithrombotic and anti-atherosclerotic nutrients. Nutrients 14(20)4414.


  1. Hans S, Karadimou A, Mulvihill JJE, Grabrucker AM, Zabetakis I (2022) The role of dietary lipids in

Cognitive health: implications for neurodegenerative disease. Biomedicines 10(12) 3250.


  1. Byrne KA, Zabetakis I (2023) Farm to fork: balancing the needs for sustainable food production and food

for health promotion. Sustainability 15(4) 3396.


  1. Pawar A, Zabetakis I, Gavankar T, Lordan R (2023) Milk polar lipids: untapped potential for

pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals. PharmaNutrition 100335.


  1. Granato D, Zabetakis I, Koidis A (2023) Sustainability, nutrition and scientific advances of functional foods under the new EU and global legislation initiatives. J. Funct.Foods 109 105793.


  1. Caffrey C, Leamy A, O’Sullivan, Zabetakis I, Lordan R, Nasopoulou C (2023) Cardiovascular diseases and marine oils: a focus on omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and polar lipids. Marine Drugs 21(11) 549.


112. Tsamesidis I, Tzika P, Georgiou D, Charisis A, Hans S, Lordan R, Zabetakis I, Kalogianni EP (2024) Oil from mullet roe byproducts: effect of oil extraction method on human erythrocytes and platelets. Foods 13(1) 79. 

113. Hans S, Harishkumar R, Shiels K, Saha SK, Toohey H, Cunneen L, Nalewajka A, Zabetakis I, Lordan R (2024) Bioactive lipids derived from red wine, beers, and their dealcoholized variants inhibit platelet-activating factor (PAF) induced platelet activation in vitro. Food Bioscience 59 104053.

114. Hans S, Stanton JE, Sauer AK, Shiels K, Saha SK, Lordan R, Tsoupras A, Zabetakis I, Grabrucker A (2024) Polar lipids modufy Alzheimer’s disease pathology by reducing astrocyte pro-inflammatory signaling through platelet-activating factor (PTAFR) modulation. Lipids Health Dis. 20;23(1): 113.



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