Tag : diet

Editorial: Multisystem inflammatory syndrome observed post-COVID-19: the role of natural products, medicinal plants and nutrients and the use of prediction tools supporting traditional forms of diagnosis

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Covid-19 causes acute inflammation in humans. This inflammation can cause a cascade of symptoms as discussed in our paper: COVID-19: The Inflammation Link and the Role of Nutrition in Potential Mitigation Since the onset of the pandemic, a lot of research efforts have been dedicated on this topic: the link of Covid-19 and its inflammatory … Continued

covid-19, inflammation, the role of diet and our new book

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The inflammatory and thrombo-inflammatory manifestations and cascades following SARS-CoV-2 infection are directly linked to the increased severity of COVID-19 complications, especially in patients with such underlying conditions and the elderly.

Thus, the potential for specific foods and nutrients that can beneficially affect COVID-19 severity and outcomes is gathering increasing interest from the scientific community, as well as the general population and media.

the value of a balanced diet against Covid-19

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Covid-19 is coming back and the number of cases in many countries around the world are going through the roof.

Today, we need to remember that COVID-19 is related to inflammation and chronic diseases.

The virus causes acute inflammation and chronic inflammation is linked to chronic (or non-communicable) diseases (NCDs). Our group has been working actively on this link and we have published a number of papers.