covid-19, inflammation, the role of diet and our new book

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The inflammatory and thrombo-inflammatory manifestations and cascades following SARS-CoV-2 infection are directly linked to the increased severity of COVID-19 complications, especially in patients with such underlying conditions and the elderly.

Thus, the potential for specific foods and nutrients that can beneficially affect COVID-19 severity and outcomes is gathering increasing interest from the scientific community, as well as the general population and media.

the value of a balanced diet against Covid-19

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Covid-19 is coming back and the number of cases in many countries around the world are going through the roof.

Today, we need to remember that COVID-19 is related to inflammation and chronic diseases.

The virus causes acute inflammation and chronic inflammation is linked to chronic (or non-communicable) diseases (NCDs). Our group has been working actively on this link and we have published a number of papers.

Research Collaboration between SMEs and Universities

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If you are producing a food product with cardioprotective properties (e.g. kefir, cheese, yoghurt, fish, seafood), and you want to add value to your product, our team would be happy to discuss with you the possibilities of research funding towards the health-claims labeling of your product.

“Health claims” are going to be a game changer in the years to come and research data on the cardioprotective properties of your product is a safe way forward.