Category : Blog

Ο Ρόλος της Διατροφής στην Αντιμετώπιση Ιικών Ασθενειών

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Σκοπός του Προγράμματος είναι να αναλυθεί και να εξεταστεί ο ρόλος των αντιφλεγμονωδών τροφίμων, της ισορροπημένης διατροφής, όπως είναι η Μεσογειακή, και της άσκησης στην καταπολέμηση της χρόνιας φλεγμονής, προκειμένου να αυξηθεί η προστασία έναντι των νέων ιών, όπως ο ιός Covid-19 και ο ιός της γρίπης. Το πρόγραμμα επίσης αποσκοπεί στην εξοικείωση των εκπαιδευομένων με το σχεδιασμό νέων λειτουργικών τροφίμων κατά της φλεγμονής και των νέων ιών.

Antithrombotic and antiplatelet activity of an organometallic rhodium(I) complex incorporating a substituted thieno‐[2,3‐d]‐pyrimidine ligand: Synthesis, structural characterization, and molecular docking calculations

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The synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of the rhodium(I) complex 1 incorporating a substituted thienopyrimidine ligand (tpc) was reported. The solid‐state structures of tpc and 1 were determined, for the first time, by single‐crystal X‐ray diffraction. The biological evaluation of the new compounds (tpc and 1) towards the PAF‐induced aggregation in both WRPs and human platelets (hPRPs) showed that complex 1 proved to be a very potent antiplatelet and antithrombotic agent, showing better efficiency than that of the free ligand.

Organic farming and Ireland

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If the food we eat is free of chemicals, then this means that we are going to start consuming less chemical and in the long run we are going to produce better and more nutritious food. The levels of cancer morbidity are going to reduce.

There are also close links between chemical fertilisers and the value of organic food.

Platelet activation and prothrombotic mediators at the nexus of inflammation and atherosclerosis: Potential role of antiplatelet agents

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Antiplatelet therapies are discussed with a view to primary prevention of CVD by the clinical reduction of platelet reactivity and inflammation. Current antiplatelet therapies are effective in reducing cardiovascular risk but increase bleeding risk. Novel therapeutic antiplatelet approaches beyond current pharmacological modalities that do not increase the risk of bleeding require further investigation. There is potential for specifically designed nutraceuticals that may become safer alternatives to pharmacological antiplatelet agents for the primary prevention of CVD but there is serious concern over their efficacy and regulation, which requires considerably more research.

Cybermetrics 2021 and University Rankings

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In every ranking, the first thing we need to address are the ranking criteria, i.e. publications, student numbers/member of staff, employability etc.

UL is ranked 1st in Ireland for employability of his graduates. The average in Ireland is around 65% and UL scores more than 70% according to the latest data.

Taking into account the good ratio of staff to students, around 1700 staff to 17.000 students and the relatively small classes (ratio of teaching staff to number of students per course), UL is scoring very well in many metrics.