Dairy products and the Sacred Cow

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Veganism and the Sacred Cow.
The film Sacrew Cow talks about animals, meat rich diets and the Environment. As communicated before, the film is a game changer. It should make us think what we eat and why we eat it. The film can influence our way of thinking. Veganism under the prism of the film, should not be encouraged!

We watched Sacred Cow and here is what we think

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Turning people to vegans, there is a loss: their diet suffers from lack of essential amino acids and lipid-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K).

This is the reason that we need to stop the nonsense of “light” (reduced fat) foods and focus to the high nutritional value of full fat meat, dairy, fish. The animal fats (lipids) are healthy. Nations who eat red meat and full fat foods have lower levels of obesity and CVD (CardioVascular Diseases) and other NCD (Non-Communicable Diseases) to nations (e.g. US) who eat “light” processed foods.

The role of Platelet-Activating Factor (PAF) in inflammation

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It is clear from the wealth of evidence presented that understanding the mechanisms of PAF/PAF-R signalling in health and disease has yet to be fully elucidated. However, the discovery of various PAF and PAFLL agonists and antagonists, the role of the PAF metabolic enzymes in diseases, solving the human PAF-R structure, and identifying PAF signalling mechanisms independent of the PAF-R are some of the many major achievements in current PAF research. PAF is clearly linked to inflammation and CVD.

Sacred Cow : the project and the film

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It’s commonplace today to blame meat for everything from cancer to global warming. We’re rightly scared about our health and our world. But are cattle being unfairly scapegoated? At Sacred Cow, we question the following:

• Should we eat meat at all?

• Is there a “best” diet for humans? Or is there a spectrum of optimal human nutrition?

• Can meat be part of a sustainable food system?

• Can a sustainable food system exist without meat and animal contributions, both nutritionally and environmentally?

• How important are ethics in the story of human nutrition and sustainability?