Immunopathological similarities between COVID-19 and influenza

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Covid-19 and influenza viruses have some common characteristics as discussed in this paper.

Some clinical and laboratory findings are similar in both influenza and SARS-CoV-2 infections.
COVID-19 may be associated with other respiratory infectious diseases.
Vaccination against influenza at a suitable time is necessary to prevent co-infection.

open ended exam question

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One of the exam questions I have asked my first year undergraduate students in “Introductory Food Science and Health” FT4421 was this one:

If you work as a Quality Assurance Manager for a company producing infant foods containing potatoes and carrots, what actions would you take in the case of raw materials coming from Asopos region? Justify your answer using ‘Precaution Principle’.

omegas 3 market size

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However, we might need to wonder if omega 3 PUFAs are actually active against CardioVascular Diseases (CVD). The answer to that question is simple: NO! You can find more info on this, here.

Causes of death

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Some 17.5m people die each year from Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD).

Today, the number of covid-19 related deaths worldwide is 1.33m.

We need to keep these numbers in mind and design appropriate strategies to reduce mortality from CVD which is the number one killer disease in the World.