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However, we might need to wonder if omega 3 PUFAs are actually active against CardioVascular Diseases (CVD). The answer to that question is simple: NO! You can find more info on this, here.
However, we might need to wonder if omega 3 PUFAs are actually active against CardioVascular Diseases (CVD). The answer to that question is simple: NO! You can find more info on this, here.
Some 17.5m people die each year from Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD).
Today, the number of covid-19 related deaths worldwide is 1.33m.
We need to keep these numbers in mind and design appropriate strategies to reduce mortality from CVD which is the number one killer disease in the World.
Micronutrients may boost the host immunity against viral infections, including COVID-19. In this review, we discuss the clinical impact potential of supplemental nutrients as adjuncts of therapy in high-risk COVID-19 for obese patients.
It’s commonplace today to blame meat for everything from cancer to global warming. We’re rightly scared about our health and our world. But are cattle being unfairly scapegoated?
An expert panel has written a white paper with a set of recommendations regarding the diet and micronutrient supplement needs of the Swiss and wider European population in order to support immunity during the COVID-19 pandemic.